Market Research


Depending on the task, we advise you on the study design and the selection of suitable analysis methods. The main focus of SAW Marktforschung is the implementation of palatability for the pet food industry: Pet Food Product Testing.

Katze_Napf-S6small_siegel -150
  • Survey concept
  • Method selection
    (quantitative market research, qualitative market research)
  • Questionnaire design and creation of survey instruments
  • Sample size and compilation
  • Field work, data collection
    (CATI, CAPI, written surveys)
  • Data capture, tabulation
  • Data analysis, graphs of results
  • Report and presentation of results
It’s also possible to request these services individually, e.g. design of survey instruments, data capture and analysis or carrying out of field work.

Pet Food Product Testing

25 years of experience

Mit der Erfahrung aus über 25 Jahren und tausenden In-Home-Tests sind wir der Spezialist
für In-Home Akzeptanz- und Präferenztests von Katzen-, Hunde- und Kleintierfutter.

Pet Food Product Testing:

We work with proven survey designs and analysis techniques, which lead to valid results. Our comprehensive data collection enables benchmarking and helps us to rate new servey results.

At the moment, our test panels consist of approx. 2,000 households with about 3,000 test animals. For this reason, product tests can be carried out at short notice and without extra recruitment costs. By the use of synergies and through effective organisation of work processes, we are able to offer you a fair price-performance ratio.

Standardized test procedures and individualized method adaptation

  • Execution of in-home pal tests for cat, dog and small animal food, snacks, litter and much more
  • Advice regarding test method selection, tailored to the product characteristics and question formulation
  • Measurement of product acceptance by animals and humans
  • Opinion and preference analysis of animal owners
  • Product tests on the SAW panel or creation of exclusively utilised expert panels (long-term studies)
  • Recruitment and training of households– also target groups which are difficult to access, e.g. users of brands with small market share
  • Rekrutierung von Tieren mit gesundheitlichen Einschränkungen (z.B. Nierenschäden, Diabetes, Gelenkproblemen etc.)
  • Development of survey documents (record sheets, questionnaires, instruction materials etc.)
  • Portioning of test products and blinding of packaging
  • Postage of test products and/ or personal visits in the households
  • Plausibility check, data capture and tabulation
  • Statistical analyses, reports and result graphs, which are appropriate for presentations
  • Consultation, recommendations for action and benchmarking
  • Test execution with short lead times

Palatability Tests

SAW is the specialist for palatability tests (cats, dogs as well as small animals).

We carry out our tests in realistic conditions in the households in which the animals live. Because the acceptance of products by humans and animals can only be tested in their familiar living environment.

We offer you:

  • Akzeptanztests und Akzeptanztests ,Plus‘: Wir lassen Ihre Produkte zeitgleich
    (und damit kostengünstig) von den Tierhaltern bewerten
  • Präferenztests (A/B-Test) mit und ohne Tierhalterbewertungen
  • Tolerance and effectivity checks (≥ 3 week test duration)
  • Proven survey designs and analysis procedures
  • Benchmarking on the basis of our data collection
  • Testpanels with a total of approx. 2,000 households
  • Short-notice execution of tests on the SAW-Panel without waiting periods and long lead times
  • Erfahrungen aus über 25 Jahren und tausenden Inhome-Tests
  • A fair price-performance ratio

Test Products

Durch unsere langjährige Erfahrung im Pet Food Product Testing bieten wir für jede Art von Testprodukten zugeschnittene Studienformate an.

Auf folgende Testprodukte sind wir spezialisiert:

Open tin can with food for pets close-up, isolated on white background

Test Products

  • Trockenfutterprodukte (inkl. Portionierung: Abfüllung definierter Tages- bzw.
    Fütterungsmengen in lebensmittelechte, neutrale Polybeutel)
  • Wet food products (incl. neutralization of cans, pouches, trays)
  • Barf products
  • Cat milk products
  • Feed products that are not to be offered as a main meal
    (Snacks & Treats, Liquid Snacks, Chewables, Bones, etc.)
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Cat litter
  • Accessories
  • Much more

Test Methodology

Um den verschienden Anforderungen beim Pet Food Product Testing gerecht zu werden, sind die passenden Testmethoden erforderlich.
Nur dann können relevante Erkenntnisse gewonnen und die entscheidenden Rückschlüsse gezogen werden.

We have the right test method for every question

A selection:

  • Monotony tests, monadic:
    1 Produkt wird mehrere Tage/ Wochen hintereinander angeboten
  • Simple palatability tests (intakes, repeat intakes or ranking tests): semi-monadic tests with 2 to 10 different products
  • Preference tests (A vs. B-tests):
    2 products are offered at the same time. In addition to the data pertaining to remaining quantities of food, this method also determines details on the feeding behaviour of the pet.
    Which feeding bowl does the pet approach first? From which feeding bowl does the pet eat first (first choice)?
  • Tolerability and long-term studies
  • Memory tests (test duration of a few months, with home visits)
  • Enjoymenttests (statt Akzeptanzwertermittlung umfangreicher Fragebogen zum
    Fressverhalten des Haustieres)
  • Long-term studies e.g. effectiveness checks for sensitive products or diets
  • Combination studies (e.g. palatability - animal owner evaluation - pack)
  • Test repetition with the same households (pets)

benchmarking on the basis of our data collection

In over 25 years of research work, we have collected and systematically processed the results of hundreds of tests. über 25 Jahren Forschungsarbeit haben wir die Ergebnisse tausender Tests gesammelt und systematisch aufbereitet.

Our data basis offers a standard with which we are able to compare new test results. Benchmarking improves their relevance significantly and provides a meaningful supplement for rating of products within the competitive environment.

SAW Cat Panel

Akzeptanztests im SAW Cat Panel

Rund 2.000 Katzen freuen sich auf neue Testprodukte der verschiedenen Hersteller.


SAW Cat Panel

Choose the participating cat households from the SAW Cat Panel:

  • Life Stage: Junior - Adult - Senior
  • Users of particular brands (e.g. Super Premium buyers)
  • Outdoor and/or indoor cat
  • Pedigree and/or house cat
  • Liker and disliker of food types (e.g. cat milk user) and flavours (e.g. De-selection of fish rejecters)
  • Nutritionally sensitive cats, cats with certain diseases (e.g. kidney problems, diabetes).
  • We test with 1-cat and 2-cat households.
  • The cats live in normal households, all over Germany. The studies are therefore carried out in the cat's familiar environment.
  • Generally, only one cat per household takes part per study.
Due to the high number of participants, no cat is ‘overtested’.

SAW Dog Panel

Palatability tests on the SAW Dog Panel

Bundesweit knapp 1.000 Hunde testen für uns Vollnahrungsprodukte, Snacks, Kauartikel und Zubehör.

SAW Dog Panel

Die teilnehmenden Hunde werden nach Fragestellung und Produktgruppe aus dem Pool
der Kandidaten selektiert:

  • Life Stage: Junior - Adult - Senior
  • Size category: S, M, L and XL
  • Breed: from Afghan to Yorkshire Terrier
  • Users of particular brands (e.g. Super Premium buyers)
  • Dog households that feed exclusively wet or dry food products
  • Nutritionally sensitive dogs
  • Dogs with certain diseases/ restrictions (allergies, joint problems)
  • We test with 1-dog and 2-dog households.
  • The dogs live in normal households throughout Germany. The study is thus conducted in the dogs' familiar environment.
Due to the high number of participants, no dog is ‘overtested’.

SAW Rodent Panel

Palatability tests on the SAW small animal panel

Nationwide guinea pigs, rabbits and hamsters test products from proven manufacturers.


SAW Rodent Panel

The participating rodents are selected from the pool of candidates, depending on the research question and product group:

  • Guinea pig, rabbit, hamster
  • Users of certain types of feed
  • In principle, only one rodent per household takes part in each study.
Due to the large number of participants, no rodent will be "overtested".übertestet‘.

SAW Pet Owner Focus

Worthwhile preliminary step for quantitative studies

Qualitative methods are often a worthwhile preliminary step for quantitative studies. Likewise, knowledge gained in quantitative studies can be expanded by qualitative elements. Our clients from the pet food industry also profit from our expertise in this area in qualitative research.

SAW Pet Owner Focus

Project and question formulations which imply a qualitative approach can be investigated quickly and cost-effectively by our pet owner focus.

Because we have a nationwide panel of approx. 2,000 animal households, we can recruit exactly the suitable target group for a project without a long lead time. Experienced survey managers, who have inside knowledge of the industry, implement moderation, interpretation and advisory result presentations.

Pet owner focus groups, with participants from our animal owner pool, offer the opportunity to have concepts and products from the pet food industry assessed directly by the potential customer group. You can collect concentrated descriptions of preferences, motives and perceptions of pet friends.