Quantitative market research
Beispiel: POI / POP / POS
- Face-to-face interviews (paper & pencil or CAPI)
- Telephone interviews (CATI) in our own telephone studio
- Self-completion (paper & pencil or online)
Within the framework of surveys carried out on visitors and customers in shopping malls/ shopping centres, as well as trade shows, we record, amongst others:
- Frequency of visits
- Length of stay (in total and in subareas)
- Buying and spending behaviour
- Customer satisfaction (tendency for revisits)
- Visitor structures
(age, sex, socio-demographic data) - Catchment area of the visitors
(also with “number plate counting”) - Awareness of particular shops/ brands present
- Influx of visitors (frequency) in defined areas
- Probability of revisits
Field work: as not only market research in its entirety, but also field work in particular is a matter of trust, we only utilise our own, personally known interviewers and supervisors.